Terms and Conditions for Real Estate Business To Go Coaching and Mentoring Programs and Services:


Real Estate Business To Go© is a brand and business of Whitenblue Properties, LLC© (hereinafter referred to as “Provider”).

Customers, students, participants in any of the programs or services offered by Provider are hereinafter referred to as Participants (“Participant”).

Provider’s coaching programs, mentoring programs, other programs and services are hereinafter referred to as Services (“Programs and Services”).

By signing-up for, or subscribing to, or booking any of Provider’s Services, Participant agrees to Provider’s Terms and Conditions, as follows:


The Terms and Conditions apply to the Programs and Services as described on the sales page(s) of this website as of the day that Participant signs-up for them.

Professional Advice:

Any information conveyed leading up to and including any of Provider’s Programs and Services is designed to provide a combination of facts, as well as accounts of personal or other experience, as well opinions, and factual or fictitious examples. Provider is only providing such information with the understanding that Provider’s staff, affiliates, or any other directly or indirectly related person or entity, are not engaged in rendering legal, financial, tax, accounting, or other professional service or advice. Participant may not consider any examples, documents, videos, or other content provided by Provider to be the equivalent of professional advice. Nothing contained on the website or in materials available for sale or download on the website provides professional advice in any way. Provider strongly recommends that each Participant do their own due diligence and seek competent legal, tax, accounting financial, or other advice prior to making any decisions or applying any strategies or concepts.

Confidentiality and Copyright:

Any and all materials, information, and concepts provided as part of Provider’s Programs and Services is confidential and proprietary. Provider only grants an individual single-user license to Participant to facilitate education of Participant. No license to distribute or sell is granted or implied, whether fully or partially. By participating in any of Provider’s Programs and Services, Participant agrees to abide by national and international copyright laws. No sharing, copying, distributing, posting, disclosing of any content, information, or material is permitted without prior express written approval by Provider. Any unapproved use, sharing, or reproduction of copyrighted information or materials will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by criminal law and civil law. Provider reserves the right to claim damages, file injunctions, and any other legal remedy. Participant further agrees that Provider is entitled to injunctive relief and other legal remedies, if Participant violates or displays any reasonable likelihood of violating the terms herein.

No Warranties, No Guarantees, No Liability:

No express or implied warranties are given by Provider. Provider disclaims, and Participant waives, any implied warranties including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

Provider disclaims any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the information, contents, or strategies conveyed in Provider’s Programs and Services.

As with any business, Participant’s results in applying any information or strategies may vary, and will be based on a multitude of factors, such as Participant’s individual capacity, business experience and skills, expertise, level of desire, and the location or economy Participant works in at any given time., There are no guarantees concerning the level of success Participant may experience. Provider’s Programs and Services are developed for educational purposes.

Participant recognizes and agrees that Provider has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to Participant about Participant’s future prospects or earnings, or that Participant will earn any money, with respect to Participant’s purchase of or participation in of any of Provider’s Programs and Services, and that Provider has not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. Participant acknowledges that as with any business endeavor there is a significant risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that Participant will reach the desired goals. There is no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to earnings or income will apply, nor can any prior successes be used as an indication of Participant’s future success or results from applying any of the information, content, or strategies. Any and all claims or representations as to income or earnings are not to be considered as "average earnings".

Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, projections, etc., are only estimates of what Provider or another person or entity has earned or accomplished or what Provider estimates someone could earn. There is no assurance Participant will do as well as stated in any examples. If Participant relies upon any figures provided, Participant accepts the entire risk of not doing as well as the information provided. Participant releases Provider, its owners, officers, employees, staff, agents, independent contractors, instructors, assigns, successors, and any related or affiliated entities, from any and all liability, claims, suits, costs, demands, and damages of whatever nature, kind, or basis, in law or in equity, arising directly or indirectly from the participation in any of Provider’s Programs or Services. Participant accepts any and all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable. Participant agrees that Provider will not be held liable for any losses, liability, or damages of any kind resulting or arising from including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, negligent, consequential, or exemplary losses, liability, or damages happening from the reliance upon, or use, or misuse of Provider’s Programs or Services and their content. Provider assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in any of the program materials or communications.

Admittance to Programs and Services:

Provider reserves the right to deny admittance, or revoke admittance, or terminate existing admittance to, or membership of, or participation in any of Provider’s Programs and Services at Providers sole discretion at any time. Upon notification of such denial, revocation, or termination, Provider will, at Provider’s sole discretion, refund a reasonable prorated portion of fees that participant has paid to Provider (if any) that pertains to future services that have not yet been provided by Provider up to that point. This right does not preclude Provider from exercising other rights of termination or other legal or equitable remedies. Any free bonuses given with any of Provider's Programs and Services are provided as a courtesy to Participant and can be discontinued fully or partially at any time at Provider's sole discretion. In no event shall Provider be obligated to grant a full or partial refund based on providing or fully or partially not providing any such bonuses.

Terms for the REDDY Money Back Guarantee:

The REDDY Money Back Guarantee (“Money Back Guarantee”) applies exclusively to Provider’s Real Estate Deals Done With You Program (“REDDY”) and is exclusively intended for Participants who implement the system fully as instructed by Provider. It is each Participant’s prerogative to not implement the system as instructed, which will automatically cancel eligibility for the Money Back Guarantee.

Specifically, to qualify for the Money Back Guarantee, Participant must fulfil the following Qualification Criteria (“Qualification Criteria”): (1) Complete all assignments fully and on time, as given by Provider during the course of the program; (2) Participate in all live training sessions/ calls / presentations; (3) Collaborate with Provider on real-life transactions and potential transactions during the program to the best of Participant’s abilities, as instructed by Provider. (4) Keep Participant’s account with Provider active and in good standing since sign-up. Any payment interruptions or late payments invalidate the Money Back Guarantee.

Provided that Participant fulfils the Qualification Criteria, and is unable to apply the program content to at least further one real estate transaction within 180 days from the start of the program, and states that the program content was not satisfactory, Participant may request a refund of the paid REDDY program fee. To request a refund under the Money Back Guarantee of fees paid by Participant to Provider for the REDDY program, notification must be given in writing by email to [email protected] from Participant to Provider no earlier than 180 days and no later than 210 days from start of program date. Any request made or received before or after the above time period will not be eligible and will automatically void the Money Back Guarantee. Once a notification is given by Participant, Participant must cease usage of all materials immediately, and destroy any and all full or partial physical or digital copies. Provider may require Participant to provide reasonable detailed proof of compliance with the Qualification Criteria, in a manner acceptable to Provider. If any real estate transaction was initiated in collaboration between Provider and Participant, Provider reserves the right, at Provider’s sole discretion, to either complete such transaction as planned, or to refrain from completion of such transaction. Provider will communicate its choice to Participant in a timely fashion. By requesting any form of remedy under the Money Back Guarantee, Participant agrees to keep any information exchanged between Provider and Participant confidential indefinitely.

Upon receiving Participant’s refund request, Provider will in a timely fashion communicate to Participant, which of the following 2 options Provider chooses, at Provider’s sole discretion: (1) Complete a real estate transaction together with Participant, under Provider’s guidance and ensure that Participant receives at least an amount equal to the course fee refund amount, upon completion of such transaction, or, (2) Refund the course fee to Participant within 30 days.


All payments by Participant need to be made on time, no later than the due date, and as agreed. For any payment that is rejected by Participant’s payment provider for non-sufficient funds, or any other reason outside of Provider’s control, as well as any charge-back initiated by Participant, Participant will be assessed and charged a minimum fee of $50 per occurrence, or actual fees or costs charged to Provider, whichever is higher, which Provider may charge to any of Participant’s payment methods on file. Provider may use a third-party collection provider or any other legal means to collect past-due payments, late fees, etc. Participant will be responsible for any collection costs, attorney costs, court costs, or other related costs and fees. Changes in the timing / scheduling of Programs and Services do not entitle Participant to withhold or change the amount or timing of any agreed upon payments. Any and all installment payments are due in advance of Services being provided. In the event of non-payment or late payment, or other non-performance of agreed-upon obligations by Participant, Provider reserves the right to suspend or terminate some or all Programs and Services, as well as any privileges agreed upon with Participant, without further prior notice. In the event of such termination or suspension, no full or partial refunds or credits will be given to Participant, including unused portions of Programs and Services, and access of Participant to any and all Programs and Services, and content may be removed . Participant agrees that Provider may keep all payment methods on file and use for any of Participant’s Programs and Services to be provided to Participant, as long as Participant has any outstanding payments of any kind.

Cancellation Policy REDDY:

There is no early termination or cancellation of the REDDY program, except as provided for in the Money Back Guarantee. If the conditions of the Money Back Guarantee are not met, and Participant wishes to cancel or terminate participation in the program, written notification by certified mail has to be delivered to Provider, in which case the entire balance of the program, whether used or unused, will become due and payable immediately and all access to the program, its content, and any privileges will be removed.

Renewal DAN:

If Participant is subscribed to the Deal Assistance Now (“DAN”) service, the subscription continues on a month-to-month basis, with the renewal date being the monthly anniversary of the start of the original subscription. Participant may terminate the subscription by written notice sent to Provider by certified mail. Alternatively, Participant may give notice of termination by email to [email protected], provided a confirmation email sent by Provider is received by Participant. Notice must be received at least 3 days prior to the intended termination date, which must fall on a monthly renewal date. In case the termination notice is received less than 3 days prior to the intended termination date, the termination will be effective on the following monthly renewal date.


No delay or failure by either party to exercise any of its powers, rights or remedies under these Terms and Conditions will operate as a waiver of them, nor will any single or partial exercise of any such powers, rights or remedies preclude any other or further exercise of them. Any waiver to be effective must be in writing.

These Terms and Conditions are deemed being entered and agreed to by Provider and Participant in Duval County, Florida. The laws of the State of Florida shall be applicable. Venue for any action, proceeding, arbitration, or mediation, shall be in Duval County, Florida. Provider and Participant expressly consent to this jurisdiction and consent to service of process by mail.

Notices in conjunction with any agreements between Provider and Participant regarding Programs and Services must be in writing and may be made by mail, personal delivery, or email, unless specified otherwise in these Terms and Conditions. Notices by mail to Participant must be sent to: Whitenblue Properties, LLC, 12058 San Jose Blvd, Suite 702, Jacksonville, FL 32223.

These Terms and Conditions are an agreement between Provider and Participant that does not directly or indirectly, expressly or implicitly create any third-party beneficiary rights.

Schedules, timing, and sequence for any Programs and Services are subject to change at Provider’s sole discretion, including not limited to, public holidays, holiday weeks, etc.

Participant may not transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of any of Participant’s rights or obligations arising from the relationship with Provider without Provider’s prior written consent.

Headings and captions used are for reference only and shall have no effect on the interpretation of the Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions supersede any and all prior agreements, understandings, and communications between Participant and Provider whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of participation, subscription, or membership in any of Provider’s Programs and Services signed-up for by Participant through this website, and the responsibilities, obligations and benefits of Participant or Provider.

Any agreement between Provider and Participant may only be amended by written agreement and no purported oral amendment shall be valid. Participant acknowledges and agrees that no party, nor anyone acting on their behalf has made any inducements, agreements, promises, or representations, other than those set forth in Participant’s agreements with Provider.

The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

If any provision in these Terms and Conditions are held by to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force.